It can be challenging to keep food fresh during the hot summer months. When food is exposed to the heat for too long, it can make a person very sick, possibly even leading to food poisoning. Following certain safety tips is the best way to keep a food supply safe and healthy.

When cooking meats, it is essential to determine their temperature before eating, especially when cooking on a grill. Meat that has not been prepared to the proper temperature can be dangerous. The good news is that any kitchen supply store should sell meat thermometers.

Many people create a marinade to soak their meat before cooking it. One mistake that is often made is reusing that same marinade. Cooked food should never be exposed to the juice that raw meat produces.

It is essential to be careful with leftovers during the summer months as well. At room temperature, most foods should be properly put away after no more than two hours. This drops to one hour in temperatures 90 degrees or above. The rule applies to any perishable food. When storing leftovers in the refrigerator, they must be consumed after no more than five days. It is advisable to freeze leftovers you wish to keep for longer than five days.

If the leftovers being saved are hot, they should be put into the refrigerator immediately after the food is no longer steaming. Too hot food can be cooled down by immersing it in cold water, or even ice. These leftovers should be stored in several smaller containers rather than a single large container.

Raw and cooked foods should always be kept separate. When grilling multiple types of meat, it is advisable to keep each type on its own plate. Not only does this apply to meats, but also any utensils being used.

Produce should always be washed before being consumed. The water will chase away any bacteria the food may be carrying. Fruits that are sliced before they are eaten should be washed first. Otherwise, any bacteria on the fruit could contaminate the knife used to cut it.

Always keep the temperature in the refrigerator at less than five degrees celsius to keep all of your food safe to eat.