Diabetes 101: Glycemic Index vs. Glycemic Load

Diabetes 101: Glycemic Index vs. Glycemic Load

After someone has been diagnosed with diabetes, their lives drastically change around one question: “What can I eat now?” The answer to that question is not the same for everyone with diabetes. For many, the answer lies in understanding the importance of...
Why Is Folic Acid Important During Pregnancy?

Why Is Folic Acid Important During Pregnancy?

The importance of taking a prenatal vitamin during pregnancy is well-known, but one of the most crucial components of that vitamin is known as folic acid. Folic acid is a human-made vitamin that helps with the development of a baby’s brain and spinal cord. Since...
Enjoy Seasonal Produce this Autumn

Enjoy Seasonal Produce this Autumn

One great way people can make their food more fun is to eat seasonal foods. Seasonal picks are not only fresh and nutrient-rich. They’re also a way of getting involved with local agriculture. This autumn, pumpkin patches are springing up. There’s apple...
Establishing Healthy Eating Habits in Children

Establishing Healthy Eating Habits in Children

Kids can be notoriously picky eaters and just because you’ve packed them a nutritious lunch, doesn’t mean they’ll eat it. There are all kinds of blog posts about making fun lunches that kids will actually eat. If your child is a picky eater, you’ve probably perused...
What Are the Benefits of Antioxidant-Rich Foods?

What Are the Benefits of Antioxidant-Rich Foods?

If you’ve spent any amount of time perusing healthy eating and nutrition blogs, you’ve probably come across the term “antioxidant.” But what are they, and are they truly beneficial?  To answer this question, we need to understand a bit about how the body works. As...
What Is Anemia & How Does It Affect the Body?

What Is Anemia & How Does It Affect the Body?

Anemia occurs when your body doesn’t produce enough healthy red blood cells which are needed to carry oxygen from your lungs throughout your body. As a result, it can cause shortness of breath, fatigue, and weakness. Anemia is a common health issue, but that doesn’t...