
Getting Ample Vitamin D During The Winter Months

Getting Ample Vitamin D During The Winter Months

When many people think of Vitamin D, images of sunlight are conjured. However, the shorter and colder days associated with the winter months might render obtaining this essential nutrient difficult. Fortunately, Vitamin D is accessible during the wintertime provided...

Enjoy Seasonal Produce this Autumn

Enjoy Seasonal Produce this Autumn

One great way people can make their food more fun is to eat seasonal foods. Seasonal picks are not only fresh and nutrient-rich. They're also a way of getting involved with local agriculture. This autumn, pumpkin patches are springing up. There's apple picking in many...

What Is Anemia & How Does It Affect the Body?

What Is Anemia & How Does It Affect the Body?

Anemia occurs when your body doesn’t produce enough healthy red blood cells which are needed to carry oxygen from your lungs throughout your body. As a result, it can cause shortness of breath, fatigue, and weakness. Anemia is a common health issue, but that doesn’t...

Why You Need Carbs and When to Eat Them

Why You Need Carbs and When to Eat Them

Carbs sometimes get a bad reputation. This is typically from those who do not have a full understanding of how carbs are used. Carbs are, in fact, the body's preferred energy source and are used for a variety of normal, basic functions. Like any other macronutrient,...

How to Cut Out Empty Calories

How to Cut Out Empty Calories

If you’re trying to have a healthier diet, one of the first places to start is getting rid of empty calories. Empty calories are calories that come from food with no nutritional value. Think soda and candy bars. These still count toward your daily calorie goal, but...

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